I'am an Associate Professor at Institut Agro Dijon and a Researcher in the CRC climate team of the UMR 6282 Biogéosciences Lab, Dijon -- France
- Climate Dynamic and Variability, Land Surface Modelling, Remote Sensing
- Climate Data Analysis, Numerical Downscaling, SpatioTemporal Statistics
- ARW/WRF Regional Climate Model, GIS (ArcInfo, QGIS) Applications
- C, Fortran, Python, Perl, and R programming languages
- Latex typesetting, Unix/Linux, HPC systems
- mai 2023
University Burgundy-Franche-Comté
HDR -- Régionalisation climatique : de la donnée aux impacts du changement
Jury : Julien Boé (DR CNRS), Nicolas Viovy (DR CEA), Vincent Dubreuil (PR Univ. Rennes 2),Natalie Bréda (DR INRAE), Yves Richard (PR Univ. Bourgogne)
- 1994 - 1998
ENGREF : Paris Institute of technology for life, food and environmental sciences
PhD in SAR Remote Sensing and Forest Sciences
- 1991 - 1992
Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University
DEA (equiv. MSc) in Remote Sensing
Employment History
Since 2005
Since 2005
Research associate
CRC UMR 6282 Biogéosciences CNRS/uBFC (Dijon, France)- Multi-Scales Climate Variability Analysis
- Regional Climate Simulations
- Climate Change Impacts Assessment
since 2003
since 2003
Associate Professor
AgroSup (ex. ENESAD Dijon -- France)- Undergraduate tutor 1st and 2nd year Environment/Climate/GIS
- Undergraduate Lecturer in GIS and Climate (Water cycle, Climate Change)
- Graduate Lecturer and tutor in the R2D2C 3rd year speciality (Climate change, Spatial Analysis and Statistics)
- Graduate Lecturer in the Master 2 SEME (Climate analysis, Water Balance Modelling)
2001 -- 2003
2001 -- 2003
Assistant Professor
ENESAD (Dijon, France)- Undergraduate tutor 1st and 2nd year Environment/GIS
- Undergraduate Lecturer in GIS
2000 -- 2001
2000 -- 2001
Postdoctoral research fellow
CESBIO (Toulouse, France)- SAR Remote Sensing of forested areas
1998 -- 2000
1998 -- 2000
Postdoctoral research fellow
CIRAD AMAP & Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería (Montpellier, France and Caracas, Venezuela)- Retrieval of pine forest biomass from SAR data
1993 -- 1994
1993 -- 1994
Military Service
Minister for the Armed Forces (Toulouse, France)- Data management and analysis -- Military hospital CHA Larrey
Teaching responsabilities
Co-director of the Master 2 SEME
- Module 'Climate : from data to impacts'
- Module 'Statistical Downscaling'
Research Projects
- Head of the Hydroclimatic simulations Work-Package
- High resolution dynamical downscaling
- Climate data assessment